Johnny Depp, właśc. John Christopher Depp II (ur. 9 czerwca 1963 w Owensboro) – amerykański aktor filmowy, reżyser i muzyk znany z przedstawiania ekscentrycznych wcieleń. Johnny Depp należy obecnie do najpopularniejszych aktorów hollywoodzkich. Johnny Depp, responsible. John Christopher Depp III (b. June 9, 1963 in Owensboro) - American actor, director and musician known for his eccentric presentation incarnations. Johnny Depp is currently one of the most popular actors in Hollywood.
piątek, 24 kwietnia 2015
Sweeney Todd: Demoniczny golibroda z Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: Demoniczny golibroda z Fleet Street(2007)-Golibroda wraca do wiktoriańskiego Londynu, by zemścić się na porywaczu żony i córki. We współpracy z sąsiadką otwiera zakład fryzjerski, dzięki któremu restauracja wspólniczki zaopatrywana jest w nadzienie do pasztecików.Ekranizacja przebojowego broadwayowskiego musicalu. Kiedy Sweeney Todd przybywa do Londynu z poczciwym młodym żeglarzem Anthony Hope'em, poznaje panią Nellie Lovett - właścicielkę cukierni. Kobieta rozpoznaje w Sweeneyu Benjamina Barkera, który został przed laty wygnany z miasta przez bezwzględnego Sędziego. Złoczyńca wraz ze swoim podwładnym uknuł podły plan - podczas nieobecności Barkera brutalnie zgwałcili jego żonę i porwali córkę, Johannę. Teraz już jako Sweeney poprzysięga im zemstę. Z pomocą pani Lovett zakłada krwawy interes: otwiera salon fryzjerski, w którym podcina gardła niewinnym klientom i w ten sposób zaopatrza wspólniczkę w... nadzienie do ciastek. Wyroby pani Lovett zdobywają ogromną popularność i uznanie Londyńczyków, podczas gdy Sweeney wciąż planuje odwet na zabójcach swojej żony...
Sweeney Todd first appears sailing with Anthony Hope back to London. he sees his home as a cruel place since of his backstory as Benjamin Barker, a happy loving caring barber with a beautiful wife Lucy and a baby girl Johanna. Judge Turpin, who is also in love with Lucy, has Benjamin arrested and sent to Australia on false charges 15 years ago. He heads over back to the old barbershop and sees Mrs. Lovett's pie shop. He asks her about the barber's shop above. Mrs. Lovett, having a secret crush on Todd when he was Benjamin Barker tells him that Turpin has been courting Lucy since his arrest and Beadle lures her to his house via a masqurade ball. Lucy is then raped by Judge Turpin after having drinks. She tells a heartbroken and scarred Todd that Turpin also stole his daughter Johanna as his ward. However, she saved his razors and tells him he can be a barber again. Todd takes the offer and decides to use his razors to get revenge on Turpin. First, he and lovett go to the corner to see Pirelli and his assitant Toby sell Pirelli's Miracle Elixer a supposed hair tonic. Todd and Lovett figure it out: It was concucted from urine and ink. Todd chalenges Pirelli to a shaving contest for five pounds. While Pirelli boasts and brags, Todd does the deed right and wins. Todd tells Beadle Bamford where he is and Beadle makes an appointment. The next day, Todd's patience grows thin, but Mrs. Lovett tells him to wait. Anthony comes to the shop and tells Todd of the girl he fell in love with Johanna. Todd realizes that his daughter's grown up and he's at Turpin's home. Todd allows Anthony to hide him and Johanna in his shop for a while before they elope. Pirelli and Toby then enter the shop, but while Mrs. Lovett distracts Toby with her pies, Todd confronts Pirelli who reveals himself as Davy Collins(Daniel O'Higgins in the play), Todd's former apprentice. He blackmails Todd with an amoutn of money or he'll go to Beadle. Enraged, Todd hits him with the teapot(strangles him in the play) before putting him in a trunk. After distracting Toby by sending him down to the pieshop, Todd finally opens the trunk and slits Pirelli's throat, killing him. Todd tells Lovett of his deed and explains the situation. Just then Turpin enters the shop, hoping for a shave for he pleasures himself to marry Johanna by force to end his lust for her. Todd sees this as an oppurtunity to kill him and distracts him with many visions of pretty women. Todd almost goes in for the kill but he was inturrupted by Anthony who announces him and Johanna's elopement. This enrages Turpin and he vows never to come back. This makes Todd angry and declares that everyone deserves to die until he kills Turpin for what he done to Lucy and Johanna. However, Mrs. Lovett wonders what to do about Pirelli's body, so Todd suggests finding a place to bury him. That would work, but Mrs. Lovett suggests that she'd take the corpses and bake them. Todd takes this idea and the whole crime wave begins, though no one knows of it. Todd will never kill a man who has a family, hinting about his own family being broken by Turpin. One day, Mrs. Lovett suggests that she and Todd marry and move to a home by the sea after retirement. Todd is still in love with Lucy. Todd then notices Beadle entering the shop to investigate on the awful stench, but Todd takes this opportunity and kills him. He then hears from Mrs. Lovett that Toby has discovers their secret and escaped, before they set off to find and kill him. Todd's main focus: the Judge has gotten the letter and Todd rushes up to get ready. Todd sees the Beggar Woman in the shop and demands who she is and why is she here. She warns him of the Devil's Mistress(Mrs. Lovett) and the smell at the pie shop before she asks "Don't i know you, Mister?" Todd was about to answer when Turpin calls him. Todd, in a rush, kills the Beggar Woman and puts her down the chute. Turpin arrives and says that he gotten todd's letter saying Johanna repents and will become his bride. Todd offers a shave and reveals himself before he finally kills Turpin. He then notices Johanna in the chest and prepares to kill her too, but Mrs. Lovett's scream from below inturrupts him, allowing Johanna to escape. Todd rushes over and demands to know what's going on. Then Todd looks at the light and sees that the Beggar Woman he killed was his beloved wife Lucy. He learns from Mrs. Lovett that she lied to him so she can have Todd for herself. Todd feigns forgiveness and waltzes Mrs. Lovett into the oven. Todd cradles Lucy in his arms before Toby shows up, slits his throat and Todd bleeds to death.
Todd will appear in "MCF and the Demon Barber" where his role is the same as in the movie, but he kind of shares a bond with Tracy, taking her under his wing for the time being.
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